The power of a talented mentor is the ability to use his personal and professional experience to explain complicated ideas simply and clearly.

His strength makes the transition from idea to implementation easy and clear while taking into account the challenges and difficulties you’ll encounter along

the way.

A mentor is able to foresee what’s coming ahead and keep you on course when life becomes real and challenging.

He sees the potential in you more than you see in yourself. He will help you become the best version of yourself.

Welcome to my world!


I have coached dozens of people wanting to explore and improve an important aspect of their lives. My goal is to help you understand your role and responsibility in how to take charge of your life, to ask questions so that you can find your voice, your answers, your courage and your ability to take action and to inspire a level of meaning, excitement and purpose you haven’t felt before.

I’ve worked with CEOs, businessmen, businesswomen, founders, executives, people with disabilities, athletes, single mothers, entrepreneurs, in a nutshell – I work with people from all walks of life.

I’m grateful for the gifts I was given and see it as my duty and honour to pass them along to my clients and help change their lives.


In a split-second life is out of control – everything has changed! Be that an accident, a physical or emotional injury, a terminal disease prognosis, a relationship breakdown, a job loss, a financial catastrophe, a divorce, or the incomprehensible loss of a loved one; it just happened, and you are shocked, stunned, and confused. Life will never be the same. Upset, angry, and frightened you are thrown into uncharted territory and confronted with something so big, foreign, and painful that you slowly retreat inward and you shut down. As uncertainty and fear settle in, you begin to feel paralyzed and you are trapped in a world that is not yours. You feel alone; suspended in midair as if the very earth beneath your feet has opened up and swallowed you whole.

If this strikes a chord with where you are in life right now then rest assured, you have arrived at the right place.

Just like you I’ve received my fair share of devastating Blast Radius events in my life. You can read more about my story here but for now let me share with you the good news – there’s hope, and there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. I know you question this statement, and rightfully so. How can there be a way out from MY situation? The truth is that there is a way, and you possess that which you need to recover, heal, and rebuild your life. You just need a little help – a guiding hand that will assist you along the way.

This is where I come into your life. If you allow me, I will help you regain control so you can rebuild your life. I will assist you with making sense of it all, and construct a clear roadmap that will guide you step by step on how to do this. You will find clarity, meaning, and direction amidst the chaos.

You see, I’ve had to rebuild my life many times over and in doing so I’ve developed a process that has allowed me to heal, recover, and rebuild my life to higher and higher levels.

I invite you to learn how you can do it too!

There is a way to not just rebuild your life, but an opportunity to transform it! and you can do it right now.



My personal life has provided me with my fair share of devastating Blast Radius events. I grew up in Israel, a country riddled with conflict and devastation. I chose to leave my home country and start from zero several times, went through a divorce, financial ruin, and to top it all off I’ve survived three Near-Death Experiences (NDE) – two major motor vehicle accidents and, the most recent; a full-blown heart attack at the age of 45. Yes it has been a bumpy ride, and it all took place in less than one decade.

On my journey I’ve made many mistakes, followed the wrong advice, lost my inner compass and ended up in dark alleys. But along the way I was able to rebuild my life, and each time taking it to higher levels.

I’ve met and studied with amazing mentors and teachers; learning by trial and error, discovering what works and what doesn’t, and gaining an amazing insight into how our mind, body, and soul work together and how we can harness their incredible force to help us heal and rebuild our life. I have had to rebuild my life so many times that over the years I’ve developed a roadmap that I’ve successfully used in each event. Over time my recovery and healing time shortened, I was less anxious and confused and expereinced greater clarity and sense of direction.

My entire life I have prepared for this moment. The experiences, tools, lessons, and grace I was blessed with allowed me to chart a clear path in my life and find a way to successfully navigate through those troubling times.

It has become my life mission to share what I have learned – not from a place of “I know it all” or “I’ve figured it all out”, but from a place of knowing that what you are going through right now has parallels to my journey.

I founded Life Rebuilder Academy to share with you everything I have learned that helped me and hundreds of other Life Rebuilders not just rebuild our lives, but create a life we didn’t dream was possible. We haven’t just got back on track, healed, and restored control over our lives, we actually thrive! On this journey you will learn how to peel away one layer of confusion and uncertainty after another, and you will learn that it’s not about finding the answers as much as understanding the cause and to build a solid base that will help you regain control over your life, heal, and find your truth.

I will show you how you can become your own Life Rebuilder by learning and embracing a new paradigm shift about life; one in which a devastating event shows up in your life as a sign to actually enable and grant you the opportunity to STOP and reflect. It’s an opportunity to assess where you are and where you want to go, change directions, re-evaluate your priorities, and take care of yourself. Hitting rock bottom is not a stop sign, it’s a growth sign!

Robert Luxenberg

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“The coaching I have received to date has been nothing less than life-changing and even life-saving.”

Carolyn Kari Goodfellow

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“The really amazing part of this journey is really how easy it is, once I made the shift to creation of new habits and showing up every morning for myself. The payoff has been a happier healthier me.Thanks Erez.”

Susan Perry

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"Erez's guidance has shown me that I can move mountains by just showing up for myself everyday

Jason Adams

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“Erez’s talks have been compelling, effective, and most important of all, genuine. He creates an instant connection with his audience and keeps them engaged. We look forward to working with Erez into the future and highly recommend him as a public speaker.”

Chris Garner

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“Erez helped me realize that I am on a journey. While my journey is far from over, Erez continues to reach out and provide wisdom and guidance and I know I will come out on top!”


Resilient Leadership Expert | Business Growth Strategist | Empowering Leaders Build Resilience, Navigate Change & Scale with Impact